Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Our goals for this week is to apply demonstrative adjectives to the clothing worn by gauchos of Argentina. Also we will talk about some culture relating to Argentina.

Flipbook of Grammar


Audio- Los gauchos de Argentina

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Midterm Outline

Here are the areas for the midterm:

Spanish 2.0 Midterm Exam Outline 2014

The midterm exam will have listening, reading, writing and speaking sections. Please study the following material to prepare. 

Present tense stem-changing verbs
Tú commands (negative and affirmative)
Direct and indirect object pronouns (with commands)
Preterite tense (regular and irregular verbs)
Vocabulary - Unit 1 Lesson 1, Unit 1 Lesson 2, Unit 2 Lesson 1