Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Final Outline

25%- Final Project on a legend
75%- grammar

-shopping reading (true/false, answer questions)   
-legends listening (true/false and complete the sentence)
- daily routine with reflexives writing (vocabulary fill in, true/false, fill ins with reflexives used in different tenses)

-demonstratives(fill in the correct word when given the words far away, close, not so close)

- preterite and imperfect tenses(translations from English to Spanish, Parapraph fill in)

Final Project

Proyecto Final Español 2.0 - Una Leyenda

This project will count as 25% of your final exam grade.

Pueden trabajar en grupos de 2, 3, o 4, y también puede trabajar solo.

Cada persona va a recibir una sección de la leyenda que leímos en clase, ‘Iztaccihuatl y Popocatepetl.’

En sus grupos, o individualmente, tiene que actuar sin hablar las secciones de la leyenda.  Después de actuar, cada persona tiene que hacer un ‘voice over’ de su sección que corresponde con la actuación.  

En su video tiene que incluir:
  • un escenario (scenery) apropriado
  • disfraces(costumes) apropiadas
  • props para ayudar al público (audience) a entender

En la parte hablada tiene que prestar atención a:
  • las vocales
  • las letras difíciles: h, ll, g, rr, v, b
  • acentos
  • puntuación
  • partes con dialogo  

En grupos cada persona tiene que aparecer en el video.  En proyectos individuales puede actuar en todos los papeles (roles) o puede tener otras personas en el video para ayudarle.  

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

miércoles (In class work)

Today in class you will be using your textbook site to complete the following. This information is also in your Avancemos 2 textbook which is located in the bookshelf:

Watch the videos that relate to the Telehistoria  of the legend Iztaccíhuatl y el Popocatépetl

Telehistoria 1 on page 201 then answer the comprehension questions from page 202

Telehistoria 2 on page 206 then answer the comprehension question from page 207

Telehistoria 3 on page 211 then answer the comprehension questions from page 212

Below are some practice paragraphs for the imperfect and preterite tenses. Complete work on a separate piece of paper.    (prueba 2,  C, E and F)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

el 7 de mayo

We will be starting the imperfect tense today. Here are some notes on this and a link for the workbook pages:

Workbook link:

Vocabulary practice in Quizlet:

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

el 28 de abril-2 de mayo

We will continue with the shopping vocabulary and preterite irregulars this week.

Complete Assignment for Thursday, May 1st.
Complete page 22 with preterite tense and have you planning sheet filled in. Have your pictures of the clothing items that you want to sell also so that we can practice for the day of shopping on Monday of next week.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15th assignment

Click on the link below for your current assignment. This will be a use of preterite, gustar like verbs and information from a film called Casi Casi.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

el 20 de marzo-el 4 de abril

*****This is an update to assignment. Many kids were having an issue with the PDF link so I created a fresh google doc with vocab and for your audio. The assignment will now be due on Monday because of the difficulties.

This week we are finishing our DDM writing about a coming of age event and comparing it to a Quinceañera.
We will be starting Chapter 3, lesson 1 this week too. Below is the google doc link for you to make a copy of so that you can edit this and complete assignments.


Complete assignment one for Thursday:
Fill in the vocabulary on pages 1 and 2 in the document.
Create an audio file of you saying the words on pages 3 and 4. You can do it with vocaroo or quicktime. Place the link on the top of your google doc when done.

Friday, March 14, 2014

el 17 de marzo-el 21 de marzo

This week we will be wrapping up with with Chapter 2 Lesson 2 in the Avencemos Textbook. We have been working on applying reflexive verbs with different tenses. Students had a couple of listening assessments and a presentation about how they prepare themselves for the day. In preparation for our next DDM writing, we will be discussing a Quinceañera and how it compares to a birthday celebration in the United States.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Feb. 24-28

We started our new section this week in the textbook Avancemos 2. We are currently working on Chapter 2, Lesson 2

Link for Reflexive verb packet
Quizlet vocabulary link

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 10-14

This week we will be having a vocabulary quiz on Tuesday on Sport with some preterite use. Students will be working on their dialogs for Thursday's presentation of an interview between an interviewer and an Olympic Athlete.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Our goals for this week is to apply demonstrative adjectives to the clothing worn by gauchos of Argentina. Also we will talk about some culture relating to Argentina.

Flipbook of Grammar


Audio- Los gauchos de Argentina

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Midterm Outline

Here are the areas for the midterm:

Spanish 2.0 Midterm Exam Outline 2014

The midterm exam will have listening, reading, writing and speaking sections. Please study the following material to prepare. 

Present tense stem-changing verbs
Tú commands (negative and affirmative)
Direct and indirect object pronouns (with commands)
Preterite tense (regular and irregular verbs)
Vocabulary - Unit 1 Lesson 1, Unit 1 Lesson 2, Unit 2 Lesson 1